Yeah, thanks for confirming! Sorry to be a bother about it, I just wanted to be sure!
Thanks for confirming, Joy!
| admin @ joaquinphoenix.com |
That's right, Admin. We can't see anyone's email address whether we're logged in or not, so your email addy's safe with you, Justme.
Hi justme,
I've disabled the functionality for members to email each other, they can now only PM each other (where they can then exchange email addresses if they wish).
So, now, your email address should not be public at all. Maybe other members can just double confirm this?
| admin @ joaquinphoenix.com |
Ha ha! Yeah, we Joaquin Phoenix fans.. Thanks for the answer! I was just wondering one more thing-can anyone see your email address when they click on your profile? It's just I really don't want to make my email address public. Sorry if this question sounds kind of stupid, I was just wondering.
Hi justme, Nice to see you! I'm not sure if a user can delete their own account, i've never looked into it (and I only have an admin account, so can only see the options available from my perspective). But if you did ever want to delete your account and posts, and can't do it yourself, just let me know and i can do it for you! Only just joined and already interested in deleting their account, a strange bunch these Joaquin Phoenix fans! What do you think Joaquin...?
| admin @ joaquinphoenix.com |
Hi, I'm new here and I know this is early days, obviously, but what happens if I ever want to delete my account? I mean, I'm not saying I would, but I was just wondering what happens if I do? Is there a way to do it? Oh, and hi to everyone who likes Joaquin Phoenix. from me:)