Where does your 'new link' go to, Guest?
admin wrote:Here's how to create a link using the editor!
1. Type the text you want to appear as a link:
My Link
2. Now use your mouse select the text you've typed:
My Link
3. Now press the  button on the editor.
4. This will now ask for the URL you want the link to go to. Type it in the box (or copy and paste it from your browser navigation bar) and press OK.
That should be it, you've created a link which will appear when you submit your post. newlink
Here's how to create a link using the editor!
1. Type the text you want to appear as a link:
My Link
2. Now use your mouse select the text you've typed:
My Link
3. Now press the  button on the editor.
4. This will now ask for the URL you want the link to go to. Type it in the box (or copy and paste it from your browser navigation bar) and press OK.
That should be it, you've created a link which will appear when you submit your post.
| admin @ joaquinphoenix.com |
Aw shucks, Admin.
I'm still not convinced, but in this instance I'm easily won over by a bunch of flowers.
Men & gadjets. 
Well, i think that all of the regular contributing members can now post successfully using the new FreeTextBox editor 
Now i only just need to try and convince Joy that it's worth using over the previous one, despite it's flaws and convoluted ways! 
Joy, I think this editor must be male... it's not perfect, can be a right pain, not as good as other editors... but if you press the right buttons you get the desired results in the end 
| admin @ joaquinphoenix.com |
Happy St. Patrick's Day 
OK, got it now. Forgot the html part. 
Now all I need to do is remember the code for any other posts. 
Going to try the big one and post a video. 
OK, Admin. I'm going to try this out now. Give me a minute...
joy wrote:Admin, how do we post an image now?
Good question Joy!
I thought there was an image button (like there was on the old editor). The demo they provide seems to have one on it's editor:
Until i can get it sorted out. In HTML mode put:
< img src="http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/joaquin_phoenix.jpg" />
*Without the space before img. You should then get your image displayed:

Or you can drag-and-drop the image onto the editor area and it should insert it for you! 
| admin @ joaquinphoenix.com |
admin wrote:Yes, when i gave the quote tags as an example i had to put spaces in so it didn't come through as an actual quote instead of showing the quote tag code which is what i wanted 
It's becoming more surreal by the minute! 
Did you see my question about the images?