I make a break in my studies... I have my exam of English on the 8th of March and I'm still "Spanishing the English

" so I have to study. But don't think that I've
given up you at all!!! (I have to use phrasal verbs: to give up, to look up, to talk into...

Joy, I'm the opposite to you! I'm in twitter, facebook and now instagram... I usually get hooked, but only during at first, when it is a novelty... Instagram is to post photos, I have discovered it by Rain Phoenix because she usually post photos of it in twitter, and they are very beautiful so I registered in Instagram to be able to vote them... and ... I've
ended up posting photos of everything... because it seems that I was the one in my facebook friends without instagram!!!

I use twitter and facebook for activism... To announce acts or demonstrations or support campaignes or simply to tease the polititians or make fun about them... Sami will understand me when I say that Spanish Polititians are like a joke...
I tell you that Rain Phoenix has a new band, and I have became follower. The name is Venus and the Moom. They haven't still album, they are in studio recording, but only for the name that they chosed I'm sure it will be cool.
I finally listened her to sing in youtube, and Sami, you were right... she sings very well and I like her music style...
Ahhhh I don't find the way to use all the phrasal verbs... so...
Sorry my dear, I know that is hard to support me...

To finish... Rain Phoenix is promoting in Instagram two interesting sites: Babelunch and Foxlunch.
They are thought to post pictures of men (babe) or woman (fox) who people look up because of their life and dedication... Activists women and men... I have a lot people who inspire me in my daily fight, but I have seen that most of pictures are of artist who are activists at the same time... and my inspiration doesn't come from artists in this subject... But if you are interested you could glance at the site... and even send a photo...
I know that Sami will love this question because despite we don't know each other too much only by this little space I have been able to see that Sami is a deep person...
I go friends... to see if writing a little the English rubb off me!!!