OK Ladies and any
fellas, let's remember why we are here and why this forum exists... so fans of Joaquin, which we all are, can share and talk to each other about Joaquin and his work.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the internet it's very difficult to stop things being shared (photos, videos, files, etc)... once it's out there, it's out there and likely to be duplicated many many times!

Bear this in mind not only with anything posted on this forum, but also anything you post on the internet [cough, cough,
facebook]. The internet was designed to allow people to share data after all!
So, in terms of trying to stop sharing of photos it's pretty much pointless trying to fight and enforce anything on that front, this forum does not make any money, it's not commercial in anyway, it costs money

, so there is no money being made on any content posted on the forum, which is of course fine with me

In terms of fair-use policy, If you are the proven LEGAL* owner of content (photos/videos/docs etc) posted on the forum and don't want that content shared because it is damaging to you (materially or any other provable way) then i will remove it upon request.
* Putting your logo on a photo/video/document doesn't make you the legal owner.
Let's all be cool and try and enjoy life because it's a mad world really

Edited by user Thursday, August 7, 2014 10:25:08 AM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified