sami wrote:I just wanted to say : fuck the oscars !! Joaquin's gonna go there , go through the whole thing, and he will have to go through the humiliation of being rejected once more, ... It's so unfair, what he did In the master was out of this world ... It's all completely kafkian !
I refuse to watch the oscars or to even talk about it .
Fuck the oscars !
It's complete and utter bullshit !
it is total bull shit I agree, I too will not watch the oscars, feel bad that Joaquin will go all through the whole thing for nothing

but he will put him self through that shit have respect and love for him, also feel bad for PT Anderson nothing for him, be worked so hard on the master and nothing for him, sucks.. oh and ben affleck is so much a turn off in my opion, so stuck on himself, love Joaquin seams cool, Love you and hugs Joaquin
I think it was nice that daniel day said something about joaquin, but I think if daniel day was not in the race for oscar joaquin would win so it sucks so bad
oh I love how Joaquin holds hand on the red carpet with the ladies, so hot
oh p.s. I know people that will not watch oscar because of the Jp and daniel day shit
Edited by user Wednesday, January 30, 2013 11:02:09 PM(UTC)
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