Hello both!
sami wrote: i just want to tell u to remember that ish was an act. He wasn't really crying.
Like I said, I can't explain it properly.
I remember reading an interview with Joaquin just before 'Reservation Road' came out. There was some speculation as to whether he would be drawing on his own experience during the filming of the scenes when Joaquin's character discovers his son at the side of the road after he's been run over. Joaquin said sonmething along the lines of not needing to use his own experiences because he gets into the character's character and imagines it from their perspective. So, I get that with his acting.
sami wrote:I wanna punch Joaquin too !
Poor Joaquin.

Maybe we should buy him one of those boxing head protectors for his birthday. What do you think? Speaking of which...how do you and Admin feel about wishing Joaquin a happy birthday on the forum? On the one hand it seems a bit mad since he's not here and we don't really know him but on the other hand the forum is for all things Joaquin and it is his birthday on Sunday...
Quote:Hi Joy,
I agree with you in that it would be wrong for Joaquin to be persuaded to go to the Oscars. Imagine he's nominated and he has to go, knowing the way he feels, it would be excruciating to watch. Thanks for making me see it this way !
Well, if Joaquin is nominated he could always do a Woody Allen and stay at home and play his clarinet.

Let’s see what happens.
Quote:Another proof Oscars are a joke: Annette Benning didn't win it last year for The Kids are Alright. Instead Natalie Portman won it for the Black Swan. Always pretty young female wins. If we follow this logic you need to feel bad for Brad Pitt. You can tell he would have really liked to get one. He's showed up almost every year for his nominations, always faithful and believing and he's never got it. I think the academy likes to nominate him because of his celebrity status and the buzz he generates. I would give him one just for perseverance.
Annette Bening was very good in ‘The Kids are Alright’. Both she and Julianne Moore are intelligent actresses. I haven’t seen ‘Black Swan’ so can’t compare N. Portman’s performance but it wouldn’t surprise me if Annette lost out because of her age. There is another reason it may have gone to Natalie though. Is it just a coincidence that she was (is?) the face of ‘Miss Dior’ when this happened in the run-up to the Oscars?
http://fashion.telegraph...r-anti-semitic-rant.htmlAnd that this happened after she won?
http://fashion.telegraph...aks-out-on-Galliano.htmlNo dis-respect or anything intended but it does make me wonder. And I wonder about why certain other Oscars have been given sometimes: has it always been about the performance or direction, etc? Yes, they are a joke, but then again, they’re not...
Joaquin was invited to join the Academy around the time of WTL – I wonder if he did join so he could cast his vote? If he did join, has he now resigned his membership? I’m wondering if his statement about the Oscars has more to it than talking about the Oscars we see as the audience.
As for Brad Pitt…..they’ll probably give him an Oscar one day for a film and performance that’s not up to much but as a kind of compensation for all the near misses.
sami wrote:Thanks for this quote. It's a shame that a black man can't kiss a white woman in a movie. What is really revealing is that they would let it happen if the movie was about "racism" but not if the movie was just regular.. This shows the hypocrisy.. like "yes, we really mean it"
It’s like it can only happen if there’s a social or political message to it. Why not in a regular rom-com film? Would it be offensive to both groups? Would people really be so offended in the US or would it be the media which would create the idea that it’s offensive and therefore a lot of people would think that it was? If you know what I mean?
sami wrote:My city is very divers but it's very segregated. In contrast, I remember that my first impression of London was how cosmopolitan it looked. I saw a lot of of mixed couples in the street. In the USA I rarely see it.
It’s a fairly common sight in lots of British cities and towns.
sami wrote:My guess: You would spend the money in a big garden and a greenhouse. Perhaps even build a landscaping company ! You'd also trvel to Indonesia to look for exotic plants
Good guess! I wouldn’t travel to Indonesia looking for exotic plants. I’d stick with my roots and build on projects involving the environment and medicine.
sami wrote:Yes,I know what you mean, you end up suggesting yourself to believe it's true. I do that to with old films as well. They have this sweet naivety to them.
Or gritty realism if you watch some of the old British films from the 50s & 60s. The times and technology were different back then.
sami wrote:Joaquin said in the interview that sometimes he manages to forget about the process and just enjoy the film when it's a really good one.
Oh yes. Like ‘Step Brothers’.
Quote:I will continue with the rest of your message another time. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts Joy. I hope you don't mind all the going back and forth !

Not at all. It’s good exercise.
Quote:admin wrote:
... it really is just an annual soulless, backslapping, hyped up dog and pony show to keep the masses distracted for another day when they should really be interested in other things in their own lives.
WELL SAID I have fallen for it many times too. I am trying to not watch TV shows.. It's hard not to !! It's like a drug
Good one, Admin!
Quote:admin wrote:
People have allowed "the powers that be" to use entertainment to take up far too much of their lives (the old Roman empire bread and circuses technique).
Yes, I agree, in general we have been numb for a long time. Lots of people still are. For a long time we were just a piece for the machine to work. I believe In part, we are breaking the patterns thanks to the internet. There is more information, and not just one source but many sources. People can talk about the news, and can actually spread the news.. It's fantastic. There is so much potential and creativity. I learned to think for myself online, not in school or in my own family. I owe this to the internet !
I learned on the internet what ‘bread & circuses’ meant.

Good points.
Quote:admin wrote:
Anyway, it would be great now to see Joaquin nominated for an Oscar and to win it, it would just be an interesting situation to see now after Joaquin's comments... i bet he'd handle it great!
sami wrote:I don't think Joaquin would show up if he won .. Do you think he would contradict himself like that? He said he doesn't care at all !
Let’s see what happens and then we will see how real it is. I actually feel a bit scared for him because the suits in the industry have a lot of power I think and I’d hate to think he’d got himself involved in some kind of power struggle with them.
*ring ring* Joaquin answers the phone. Suit yells “You’re going!” “No I’m not!” “Yes you are! We’ve got millions invested in this fucking film and you’re one of the stars so put the tux on and comb your hair! The heavies are on the way now” “I’m not fucking going! It’s all bullshit!” Joaquin paces the floor chain-smoking and staring at the tux draped over a chair. A car screeches to a halt outside then the door crashes off its hinges as 2 very tall and broad heavies rush into the room. Joaquin tries to make a run for it but the heavies are on to him. One holds Joaquin down as the other puts the tux on over his shirt and jeans. The boots will have to stay as they are because time is running short. Joaquin is still struggling screaming “Motherfuckers!!!! I’m not going!” The heavies stand him up on his feet. One of them pulls something shiny out of his pocket, flicks it open and motions towards Joaquin’s face with it. The heavy snarls. He runs the comb through Joaquin’s hair, slicking it back across his forehead and untangling the knots. The other heavy clips a bow tie to Joaquin’s shirt collar. “You’re ready. Get in the car!” “I’m not fucking going!” The heavies throw Joaquin into the car and lock the doors. The car screeches off to the Oscars. Everyone is waiting excitedly to see if Joaquin will show up or not. The dresses are on form. Brad Pitt has his hand in his pocket touching the yellowing notepaper of his acceptance speech. Fierce debates have been raging for months about whether Joaquin will or won’t attend. Fingers have been frantically typing and mouths frothing. TV newsrooms have cleared their schedules to follow the story. The CRAP news helicopter has been tracking the car and the reporter relays the details back to the newsroom. It’s an exclusive! In the car the heavies are giving Joaquin the look. “You’re an actor. So get the fuck out there and act like you’ve never acted before! We’ll be watching you.” The heavies’ eyes narrow and their lips curl in a menacing grimace.
Joaquin is shaking. The car door opens and the red carpet looms. He’s here!! A million flash bulbs go off. Over here Joaquin! Over here Joaquin! More fierce debates rage about Joaquin’s appearance. “Dude, u look lik some guy pinned u 2 the floor and dragged that tux onto you!” “He looks awesome!” “OMG! He’s wearing the scuffed boots with a tux! Cool!” “George Clooney wouldn’t eva wear scuffed boots!” Joaquin is halfway along the red carpet behind the latest starlet who’s smiling brightly into her I-phone for a photo to tweet. Over here Joaquin! Joaquin moves towards the voice of CRAP TV’s celebrity reporter. “You came! How does it feel to be here?” Joaquin looks towards the car at the end of the red carpet. The heavies are looking back at Joaquin. Camera pans in to close up of Joaquin’s face. Think I could get a job as a scriptwriter?
Sorry about all the swearing, Admin, but I wanted it to sound realistic.
sami wrote:It will be def. very interesting to see what happens with all , it's a bit messy right now.
Last year, The Artist won so many prizes and everybody was saying the Academy was going through a big crisis.. YAWN .. Maybe it's time they start re-thinking the whole thing, opening it up to the new generation.. all the films that didn't get nominated, many indie films that should've made it... Whatever, because we don't care in here, right?
Well, I think we’d care if Joaquin was nominated but he hadn’t said what he’d said about the Oscars. Because then we’d be rooting for him and hoping he’d win. Then we’d either be glad or sad whichever way it turned out. Now, I’m actually relieved that he’s come clean because it takes the pressure off me feeling like I have to be into the whole Oscars thing when deep down I’m actually not. I mean, I’d be pleased and proud for him to win if it meant something to him but he says it doesn’t so I’m happy with that.
Edited by user Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:15:59 AM(UTC)
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